This area provides a space in which to carry out research and communication activities about some of the key issues around the Internet ecosystem, such as copyright, privacy and personal data protection, intermediaries liability and digital economy.
The works conducted in this area focus on Internet economic and social layer but they all interrelate, working closely with the Digital Infrastructure Laboratory and its contributions to connectivity and its public policies.
Latin American Journal on Economics and Digital Society (RLESD)
The RLESD is an academic, online open-access journal aimed at disclosing original researches on digital policies and the impact of digitalization in Latin America.
It includes articles on some of the digital policy issues that can be observed in the current Latin American scenario, such as the digital divide,gender gap, digital skills, connectivity and the shared use of infrastructures.
This first edition was jointly prepared by the Centro Latam Digital [Digital Latam Center],, CIDE and University of San Andrés.