
International Diploma in Personal Data Protection – PDP

Director: Pablo A. Palazzi
Academic Coordinator: Mariano Peruzzotti


May through October DPO module: November


Tuesdays from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm (Buenos Aires time)*


100% online



*Some lessons may be given at noon (Buenos Aires time).

The International Diploma in Personal Data Protection (PDP)

is aimed at professionals of different fields as for instance law, communication, computing, sociology, political science, among other disciplines, who wish to advance their knowledge in the legal and public policy aspects related to personal data protection and the different privacy laws enacted at regional and international level.

The PDP has two training sections: the first one provides the tools and knowledge of the main privacy issues while the second constitutes an intensive training designed to enable future graduates to act as data protection officers (DPO). This second optional stage is intended to expand the specific technical knowledge related to the tasks and roles of the DPO and provides the possibility of obtaining a certification at the end of the course.

With an international staff of professors and experts, the PDP addresses challenges and concerns of privacy, a discipline that has turned to become a priority for companies, Internet users, lawyers and public bodies, and that affect a large number of industries, the State and social and political life.

The 100% online format adapts to the agenda and needs of each student and gives the opportunity to participate to professionals from different countries. The classes will be mostly in Spanish.

The PDP is the new postgraduate program of the Center for Studies in Technology and Society (CETyS) at the University of San Andrés, a cross-disciplinary center for the research, education and communication of the policies and development of digital processes in Latin America.

What makes PDP distinctive?

The PDP stands out for its international perspective based on the comparison of the different regulations and case studies from Latin America, the US and Europe, and for its comprehensive approach, exploring a vaste catalog of issues including the right to privacy and data protection as a fundamental right, the analysis of the comparative law, the principles and scope of the acting organizations, the data subject’s rights, the particularities of data protection in specific industries, and an optional intensive module on the role of the DPO, which offers the possibility of a double degree.

Who is it aimed at?

The PDP is aimed at professionals in law, communication, computing, sociology and political science, among other disciplines, particularly those who work in the areas of digital marketing, e-commerce, journalism, ethics, legal and to those responsible for the implementation of the data protection policy within the organizations.

What contents does it include?

The program includes the following contents:

The objective of the course is to introduce the concepts of privacy and data protection as a fundamental right, investigate the relationship between privacy and technology, and analyze the challenges and tensions between data protection and privacy from a global perspective.

This international module analyzes the virtues and deficiencies of data protection laws in Europe, the US, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Colombia and Mexico, and also examines the implications of the compliance with the Convention 108+.

This module is aimed at scrutinizing the material and territorial scope of the different personal data protection regime and discuss aspects such as security, incident notification, advertising and marketing, Google Analytics, cookies, accountability and transfers, among others.

The fourth module refers to the protection of people with regard to the processing and circulation of data, namely: right to information and access, rectification and deletion, new rights (portability, right to be forgotten, among others), artificial intelligence and automated decision making, judicial and extrajudicial remedies, enforcement, criminal actions and administrative sanctions, etc.

The first section of this diploma concludes with a journey over the impact of privacy on specific industries such as telecommunications and online services, the financial, pharmaceutical and health industries and the workplace in general, and with discussions about video surveillance, IoT and civil society concerns regarding data protection.

This CETyS Diploma offers the possibility of obtaining a double degree for those students who opt for the additional module of DPO | Data Protection Officer. The DPO module offers highly competitive training in a field that is demanding for well-qualified graduates:

The DPO module is designed to provide for developing and implementing a successful privacy programs by explaining the role of the DPO in the organizations and analyzing aspects such as incident management, audits, monitoring and metrics, and new technological tools for data protection, among other topics. At the end of the course, students will be granted the possibility of obtaining a specific DPO certification.

Who delivers the PDP courses?

The PDP is also distinguished by its outstanding international faculty:

  • Agustín Allende
  • Alejandro Bermúdez
  • Alejandro Castillo Klein
  • Ana Brian
  • Belén Rodríguez
  • Camila Tobon
  • Dolores Dozo
  • Eduardo Bertoni
  • Enrique Pugliano
  • Ezequiel Salis
  • Franco Rizzo Jurado
  • Gonzalo Sosa Barreto
  • Gustavo Parra Noriega
  • Gustavo Tanus
  • Ignacio Salguero
  • Jonathan Mendoza Iserte
  • Juana Pulido
  • Lucas Tamagno
  • Luciano Gandolla
  • Maria Pou
  • Marina Bericiua
  • Mercedes Elaskar
  • Miriam Wimmer
  • Pablo Segura
  • Paula Vargas
  • Renato Jijena Leiva
  • Santiago Eraso Lomaquiz
  • Santiago Gini
  • Silvana Gramaglia
  • Tomás Pomar
  • Valeria Milanes
  • Victoria Beckham
  • Violeta Paulero


Doctor en Filosofía. Filosofía de la tecnología

Delle Donne,

Procuraduría de Criminalidad Económica y Lavado de Activos. Área Delitos contra la administración pública


Profesor de Derecho de Internet y Telecomunicaciones y Derecho Contractual en Universidad de San Andrés


Consultor y Abogado en Telecomunicaciones, TICs & Economía Digital


Profesora de Derecho de Inteligencia Artificial y Derechos de Autor. Investigadora afiliada de BKC Harvard


Socio en GPG Advisory Partners. Director y docente de programas de Fintech Law, en UDESA, UTDT y UBA


Socio Allende y Brea. Co-director del CETyS y director del DITC


Docente y Analista de Seguridad en BCRA


Doctora en Filosofía


Director del Departamento de Ingeniería Informática en ITBA


Head of Privacy Engagement, Latin America, Facebook


Doctora en Economía. Investigadora del CONICET y CETyS

Keep me informed about PDP news

More information: pdp@udesa.edu.ar