The InDi Lab is a space for the study, research, and communication of aspects related to the regulation of digital infrastructure and public policies as a key element for the development of connectivity services, added value, platforms and application within the digital ecosystem and its governance.
Made up of professionals and researches of different disciplines, the InDi Lab articulates activities with other work areas of the CETyS and the University of San Andrés as well as other institutional actors and researchers from Argentina and overseas. The activities will focus on conducting study and research works, training tasks and organizing spaces for debate and communication in the local, regional and international levels.
Some aspects covered by the area are: connectivity, universal access to broad band Internet, network infrastructure deployment, 5G, cloud computing, traffic administration and network neutrality, the Internet of Things, smart cities, and new digital technologies.
Digital Infrastructure Laboratory Newsletter
The newsletter of the InDi Lab is sent every three months, featuring the most relevant and current topics on digital infrastructure and its public policies.